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Drug Screening Policy

Maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace

Brittany Conard avatar
Written by Brittany Conard
Updated over a year ago

Buildforce has a policy to maintain a drug-free workplace in order to ensure safety, productivity, and positive relationships, and to set a positive example for their communities. The policy prohibits the use, possession, and distribution of alcohol, drugs, and controlled substances at any workplace, and allows for drug testing of personnel for compliance.

Drug screens are primarily utilized for pre-hire testing. Some contractors, although not all, mandate drug screening as a condition for their offer. This screening must be completed prior to commencing work at the job site. Should an individual test positively for alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances, this will be taken into account when making the final decision on their employment.

Our standard procedure consists of a 10-panel rapid test. If the contractor requires extra testing options, they will be responsible for covering the associated expenses. Furthermore, we also stipulate drug screening for all injury reports. Buildforce reserves the right to require a return to duty drug test for employees returning from leave.

For additional information, please refer to your Buildforce Employee Handbook.

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